I have been doing a lot of cycling recently, after a week without my bike. I love cycling at night with my iPod in, it's a really pleasant temperature cycling by the river and there are so many 7/11s, mini-stops and GS25s where you can stop grab a coffee/ice cream/beer or whatever.
I love running and cycling, and I get so much out of both, but I never run with a backpack, so when I'm cycling I love having the freedom to stop for photos. For me that's the main difference. Running is more intense, I have my fixed route, I time myself and I am always trying to beat my last time. Cycling is much more leisurely, rest stops and photo stops!
It's hard to capture Seoul at night without a tripod, so resting my camera on bridges, posts or anything else I could find. Anyway here's some shots I took last night.

loving the pics, the first one confuses me. the top half looks like you've moved the camera horizontally during exposure but the bottom half looks still. cool.